Saturday, September 13, 2008

Now There's a Good Idea

Rule Changes Would Give FBI Agents Extensive New Powers
What could go wrong?

[Via Zachary G]


GunRights4US said...

For a brief moment I had a vision of some sort of video game character discovering a hidden jewel that gave one the power to toss fireballs out one's arse.

Kent McManigal said...

The FBI should only investigate UFOs and chupacabras while it waits to be eliminated for being an illegal federal agency.

zach said...

Agreed, Only X-files.

Sean said...

Reading it, it means instead of getting the go ahead from the regional office, the field agents can begin an investigation from the moment they percieve you are a suspect, or "person of interest". This means they are going to spend a lot more of their money, and they will need higher appropriations, soon. Which means we will have to pay more to the govt. to beat our own asses with. These c*cksucers live in a perfect world.

Anonymous said...

I was at the coin show. Picked up a piece of history dated 1941. Italy. The fasces, the axe in a bundle of rods, the Roman symbol of authority from which fascism takes its name, is large and plain on the "tails" side. PROUD of it, I tell you. Crime (other than by the government) was low, and the trains ran on time. Even the ones whose cattle cars inexplicably had human eyes at the vent holes. They could be executed for showing themselves. Some did it anyway. I guess they knew. I guess they still had hope that their fellow Italians cared. Some did, and dared to say so. They were soon rounded up.

Anonymous said...

When enough people got mad, the resistance grew, but it still took America and other Allied countries to liberate Italy, at great cost.
Look around. If America goes down, where are OUR liberators?

Anonymous said...

We'll have to defend ourselves, because there is nobody else who can.

Anonymous said...

"we view this as the next step..."

I wonder how many more "steps" there are.