Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You Haven't Broken Any Laws--But We'll Just Keep Those Guns

Prosecutors said Monday they won't bring criminal charges against a man who carried guns in a case into a Denver hotel during the Democratic National Convention last month.
What was he thinking, scaring Master like that?
He says he's relieved the case is closed but hasn't gotten back his guns or other personal items seized from his truck.
Why the hell not?

I think Hyatt Hotels has some 'splainin' to do. Can all Americans traveling with cased firearms expect to be snitched on if we patronize their chain instead of a competitor's?


Anonymous said...

The, um, PRECENDENT Washington is trying to establish is that no guns should be allowed within the same political jurisdiction as a president, candidate for president, candidate for congress, federal official or RESIDENTS.
Mayor Fenty and police chief Lanier actually said civilians with guns make it diffcult to protect those people as well as to protect ... civilians.
Children, behave.

Anonymous said...

David, you need to pass this on to Shoot Magazine. Many Cowboy Action shooters travel with two hand guns, a lever action and a shotgun and a coach style shotgun at that. These folks need to know this information because they do a lot of traveling to different matches around the country.

GunRights4US said...

I'm trying, but I have a hard time working up any sympathy for this sniveling coward.

David Codrea said...

I've noticed a pervasive lack of RKBA promotion in cowboy action and other sport communities--it's their responsibility to be informed and involved, not mine to chase after them. As GunRights4Us indicated, I find it hard to work up sympathy for the uninformed and apathetic. While they do nothing but recreate, others are carrying a disproportionate burden.

I exhaust what I have already --there ain't no more. I suggest if anyone wants to get more people thinking along the lines advocated on WoG, start referring people over here.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure any big chain would do the same--they have too much to lose if they don't "play ball" with the SS. Now, small local places owned by individual people are a whole other story. There, you could (in theory) find owners who refuse to collaborate with the Feds as a matter of principle.

Anonymous said...

backward thinking. the big chain has the deep pocket and the wherewithal to hire the best legal talent to keep the mostly mediocre legal team from the fed tied up in knots. the small independent gets steam rolled by the bottomless coffers of the federal prosecutor. Not to mention the virtually endless directions the fed can use to make the independent's life miserable; OSHA, IRS, health service, etc. Just look at all the independent gun stores that have closed their doors than try to fight the ATF.