Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We're the Only Ones Who Can Do Whatever We Want Enough

OUTRAGE: NJ Cop Puts CBS 2 Cameraman In Chokehold

Jim Quodomine Arrested, Handcuffed, Put In Squad Car For An Hour After Filming Peaceful Protest Outside Church

Officer To Protesting Reporter: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want'
Gotta love it. When "Only Ones" and "Authorized Journalists" collide.

What a great idea, deeming thugs like this worthy of being armed, but you and I unworthy.

And what's with "the officer"? Does Bluto have a name?

[Via David Hamel]


me said...

I believe NWA said it best...

"F*** the police!"

grassroots efforts for police accountability laws anyone? Time off with NO pay, 1 strike and you're out ANYWHERE and everywhere...start slinging fries, what else do we want in these laws? Take them right to the people, don't bother dicking around with the politicians to do something about it they never will as cops are their muscle.

Anybody speak legalese enough to draft these up?

I'm sure a visit to youtube would provide enough video to edit together a nice 5-10 minute (at least) very convincing reason of why these laws are in order.

Anonymous said...

Here is something nobody seems to understand. The police are not there to enforce the law, keep the peace, or thwart crime.

No matter the propaganda that is put out, none of the above are their true functions. These guys are the new centurions. And as in ancient Rome they serve the same function, to maintain the status quo.

Their only job is to keep the people in power, in power, and the people at the power brokers mercy at the power brokers mercy. That's it. That is their whole purpose. That is why they can operate with such impunity and in violation of the law. Their masters protect them from the consequences of their illegal acts so that they may continue to keep their masters in power.

This will not be corrected by political action nor by judicial action because the people charged with administering the law and maintaining it are the recipients of the benefits of the unlawful acts.

The only thing that will change it is fear. When the cops fear the direct consequences visited directly upon them at the scene of the governmentally sanctioned crimes they commit.

Unfortunately I do not see anything in the near future that portends well for a people too scared to resist. This is a case in point. There were dozens of witnesses, all of which knew the cop was the criminal here. Yet they did nothing but voice their shock and dismay.

This is exactly the response the thugs want. What they don't want is a group of citizens beating down a sonofabitch like this cop and performing a citizens' arrest and raising all billy hell until the sonofabitch goes to prison, and no charges filed against those who stopped him in his outrageous and unlawful behavior.

Until we, as a people, become so sickened at this new standard of behavior by law enforcement that we make it personally and immediately dangerous for them to act in such a manner, we will only get more of the same. And we would deserve it.

I cannot tell what I would do in this situation, but I do know what it would be. It wouldn't be over till I said it was over and the court would only become involved too late to help him. I'll give away a round in the hopes that no fight ensues, but I won't throw the fight.

GunRights4US said...

[vigorous clapping]

SA I wholeheartedly agree!