Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Technical Difficulties

As cops, our focus should be simple: stop the bad people among us from harming the good people.
Would that it were. But when edicts are tyrannical, there's a huge difference between "bad people" and good people who defy bad laws.

So until the day comes when that's recognized and applied in the field, I'd just as soon that you not focus on any basics that will make you more effective at controlling me and mine.

[Via Jeffersonian]


Anonymous said...

Good people are lawful and have been paying taxes and working hard raising families.
Bad people have been abusing their trusted power by the good people.
This country has been destroyed by bad people and millions of good people are suffering. I say has been destroyed as in past-tents because I don't see any way to pull this country out of the downward spin in the drain. To put the last nail in the coffin to seal the American people faith to live in a third world shit hole. The Big 3 auto manufactures will be allowed to fail. Never mind all they need to make it is a stink lousy 30 billion. Where filthy deceitful gangsters on Wall Street got trillions of taxpayers money.
Here's the game plan for our best hopes. The government is going to allow the Big 3 to go down so the gangsters on Wall Street can but them up with the new loot they just had printed up.

Anonymous said...

Here is my comment at the linked site. Let's see if they let it stand:

I would be much happier if the goal was better defined. Thirty years ago there not a more supportive member of the public as regards police officers.

I didn't change, but the goal sure did. I have far less trepidation regarding bad guys than I now have regarding law enforcement.

Just a thought, but why don't we return to concept of honorable cops? Not people who tase mentally impaired non-threatening people multiple times, or shoot your dog in your own yard, or tase a man with a broken back 19 times because he could not comply with the officers' commands to stand up. The list is very long and getting longer every day, and the frequency is accelerating. All of it within "department policy" if the brass and the prosecutors are to be believed.

Let's fix that problem first, before we worry about the gadgets.

Anonymous said...

I read your comment there, straightarrow and was glad to see it.

As for the "Big 3" automakers, avgJoe - just why do you think they should be given stolen taxpayer's money to avoid the consequences of their bad business practices and incest with government any more than the wall street vultures?

They are no different. The economy can take care of itself if everyone takes responsibility for their actions and choices.

When the people are robbed so that the consequences of those choices don't have to be faced, we all lose - no matter who is robbed, or who is given the loot.

Anonymous said...

I'll make it quick. The Big 3 are forced to pay the liberal standards on global warming. The government also stacks the deck with laws protecting unions. The government allows Japan to dump cars at about 30 less than their fair value. Over 3 million jobs and the last of American's manufacturing base is hanging on this. If we can give trillions to people who have and are destroying our country and economy than we can give a very small amount to the Big 3.
To say nothing that the government forcing the banks to make sub-prime loans has destroyed customers with decent credit rating to be unble to get loans.

Kent McManigal said...

I am not "law abiding". I never have been and I never will be. By some peoples' reckoning that makes me a bad person. Fine.

I also understand the government at all levels is the ultimate human evil. It is based upon theft, force, and kidnapping. That probably also makes me "bad". Asking for handouts from thieves makes you guilty, too.

"Liberal" is a phantom menace; just one side of the authoritarian mindset that thinks it is OK to control the non-aggressive behavior of others. It is wrong to impose BS laws on American automakers just like it is wrong to declare a "war on drugs".

As long as you keep buying into the lies, you will keep playing right into the jaws of the state. They are the enemy of liberty. "Liberals" would not be able to impose nonsense "laws" if "conservatives" didn't also play that "regulate thine enemies" game. It is way past time to stop.