Thursday, November 06, 2008

We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough

The Zargonian Collaborator/"Only Ones" alliance has struck again. Watch these outrageous videos:

NH cop kidnaps Free Stater for camcording - 1/2

NH cop kidnaps Free Stater for camcording - 2/2

Good grief. Especially the part about handing the gun off to the SPCA drone.

One suggestion: Give us the names of these two guys. People deserve the reputations they earn and behavior like what we see here should have personal consequences--otherwise, what's to stop them from continuing to act like arrogant bullies?

[Via Andre]


Anonymous said...

One day the right person will be in the right pace at the right time, with more than a camcorder.
What ever happened to those cops who tasered the college student for not showing ID, in front of about 150 other students, some of whom recorded the whole thing on cell phone video and posted it on the internet?
Not much, I bet.
More is needed.
Arresting the videoers who video the arrest of the original videoer MIGHT just be the trigger point.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

. . . what's to stop them from continuing to act like arrogant bullies?

They ain't acting, David.

Anonymous said...

Live Free or Die was a noble thought.

Anonymous said...

That sure is a pretty tin badge hung around the neck of the SPCA guy.

I didn't know the SPCA gave out such pretty tin badges.

If I can find a pretty tin badge of my very own, say, at the local toy store, can I demand access to peoples property too?

I might email the SPCA and find out.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, LOTS of people would like to have an SPCA pretty tin badge.

Unfortunately, the red-suited clown in the video is not authorized his pretty tin badge outside the State of New York, so he may be in big trouble?

Anonymous said...

The scary thing is a lot of these animal rights groups have contracts with local governments to provide animal control services, shelters, and the like. I know of several counties in Kentucky where the Humane Society is a semi government agency.