Saturday, November 15, 2008

We're the Only Ones Home on the Range Enough

You would swear this range is owned by the PWPD for all the special restrictions they are placing on everyone but themselves.
Well, uh, yeah.

What's the point of being an "Only One" if you don't get special perks, privileges, immunities...?

Just who d'ya think works for who here, anyway, huh?

[Via Jeffersonian]


Anonymous said...

It appears to me that there are some federal RICO statute violations here, and that the PWPD is the corrupt organization in question. This is just the same old protection racket that the Mafia used to run on candy stores and the like.

This is not a civil matter, or a permitting or zoning matter, this is a criminal matter and should be dealt with accordingly.

It won't be. So, would it be justified for the range owners to protect themselves with whatever force necessary when the thugs come to collect payment? Of course it would. But the game is rigged.

When is enough, enough?

Kent McManigal said...

VCDL may have no problem with the "LEOs" using the range, but if I owned it, I would prohibit scum like that from using MY property.

It's just like when cops try to hide on private proerty for their "speed traps". Chase those trouble making vermin away, or charge them with trespassing.

Act like an "Only One"; get treated like an "Only One" should be treated: like a pariah.