Thursday, December 11, 2008

The First Line of Defense

Officials are considering a plan that would have fourth- and fifth-graders trained to help fight off an armed gunman should one enter their elementary school.
Why does that remind me of this?

Not everyone is for it (naturellement).

In truth, neither am I--at least the way it's being proposed. It's not a child's job to protect adults who are too stupid and cowardly to do what it takes. Now if you want to require as a condition of employment that all teachers, administrators and staff be armed and undergo tactical training, and if you also want to include competent age-appropriate defensive training for children, including in firearms, we can probably do a lot to make schools less attractive and vulnerable targets.

But if we're talking some aging liberal arts major, who is essentially qualified to shriek and evacuate their bowels, telling kids to throw bookbags and trash cans, come on...

Do what you can to teach your children how anything can be a weapon, but especially how to escape. Because we've seen how well lockdowns, waiting to be rescued and listening to the "experts" work.

[Via Brian F]


Anonymous said...

I kind of understand the reason government will not allow teachers in government schools to be armed. Fact of the matter is 90 plus percent of them are parasites to the core. These people are four year liberal arts idiots who can't think outside the box. The only reasons most parasites teach is they have to because their education and skills are unmarketable in the real world. Many in government know this so arming such people is scary. The answer is to privatize the government school system. This would attract real teachers and thinkers. People who would have the brains to be armed. Bottom line is a parasite is by far and large an idiot.

Anonymous said...

I laughed and laughed at this one, until I realized they were actually serious...

I see AvgJoe believes in the same mindset as the Brady Campaign - that the majority of (insert group here) cannot be trusted with firearms.

I, on the other hand, know that most people are good, most teachers are good decent people, and would feel MORE comfortable with my kids' teachers having firearms than following the obviously ludicrous solution suggested in the article.

We need to ignore the crap spewed by the gun grabbers and nanny-staters and learn to TRUST our fellow citizens again.

...And don't bring a book to a Gunfight...

Anonymous said...

LOL! AvgJoe writes what he believes the people in government think. AvgJoe didn't put down what he thought but showing what he believes is the true feelings of the controllers in government. It would be fair to say that the Brady Bunch would follow this line of thought as well.
I see Orygunner must be a product of the government school system. For his actions in wanting to sling some mud when he is unable to read or at least understand what he's reading.
As far as saying most teachers are good is pure fairy tale thinking. Teachers know very well the children are not receiving an education. They blame the parents, which would be the taxpayers for their own failings. Here's a fact: American children in the 4th grade have the highest International SAT scores in the world. We beat them all. I and many others believe that is because the teachers in the government school system haven't had the time needed to destroy them. That reasoning is based on the fact by the time these 4th graders get to high school they are rock bottom in the International SAT scores.

Anonymous said...

AvgJoe, I think you began the mudslinging.

Anonymous said...

Some facts:
David Salisbury, director of the Center for Education Freedom at the CATO Institute, "Throughout the twentieth century, the scores of preschool age children on IQ and kindergarten readiness test have climbed steadily upward. It's not until they move up through grade school and on to high school that their performance declines.
Correction: 4th grade is the earliest grade for International comparisons are available. US children score in the 92nd percentile in science, the 70th percentile in reading and 58th percentile in math. The beat 26 of 35 countries in reading literacy, including, Germany, France and Italy. The main educational difference between American children and Western European children at that age is that most American children have not been subjected to preschool, whereas almost all European children have. The longer American children suffer under parasites they go backwards. Math scores go from the 58th percentile in 4th grade to the 14th percentile in the 12th grade.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I'm not, I'm stating the facts very clearly.
I still say I believe the reason the makers and shakers in government do not allow teachers to be armed is they don't trust teachers because they are for the most part idiots.
The SAT scores of teachers with their four year liberal arts degrees against skilled degrees is huge. Not just a little gap but a huge gap.
I'm not saying I agree with this, just pointing out what I feel is the reasoning behind this by the higher pay grade parasites.

Anonymous said...

"The last thing you want is to teach kids how to fight off an intruder with a gun."

O.K., nice ambiguous sentence there! Do we not want to teach the kids to fight an intruder who has a gun, or do we not want to teach them to use a gun against the intruder?

Probably both, with these panty wetters.

Anonymous said...

Why not just get rid of public schools altogether — and the taxes that support them.

Private schools and home schools wouldn't have this debate.

Unknown said...

Liberal arts, that should provide a clue about the kind of people that it is putting out.

jon said...

nothing wrong with fourth and fifth graders kicking a little VCA ass.

"Officials are considering a plan..."

this is the only part that worries me.