So far this week, we've explained why Obama attorney general nominee Eric Holder is a terrible choice for gun owners, and why we should oppose his confirmation. We then explored alternative objections should the senators we contact have a track record of hostility to the Second Amendment.This is the wrap-up to the priority I've been focusing most of my energies on this week. I hope you decide to get involved and take the few simple actions requested.
It's important for those of us who believe in the right to keep and bear arms to take two actions, and to do so immediately, as a hearing by the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled for the 15th of this month. [More]
As always, your assistance spreading the word on Gun Rights Examiner columns is appreciated.
All right, David. I did my bit. We'll see if my "illustious Senator Feinstein" even has the 'nads to reply.
Folks, I don't know what your experiences are, but mine have been that an e-mail never gets a response. I have found that the only way for me to get a response from any of my congress critters is to call their office directly.
Just something to think about.
I emailed the Judiciary Committee along with my 2 Senators.
I emailed the column to some gunnie friends.
Santander: I have gotten a mailed response from an e-mail before. A form letter of course, but still.
Come on people! We can do this!
I'm wondering what will happen if he's in the AG spot. I don't see him not getting in.
If he goes after guns but leaves bolt actions and shotguns (OU and SBS) alone. My hunch is the main stream hunters that are clueless NRA members will buy the propaganda on semi-autos. The typical whale of a hunter that can't walk and runs off all the game with their lazy man's 4 wheel toy. Are going to be shocked to wake up and find out that they own a "sniper" gun.
I can think of one game hunter that shot his blog off and paid a big price for awhile. Fact is he's not alone and their are far too many of them. However you never see the NRA tring to to educate these over sized whales that could care less about chasing off the game for folks who have been walking and working the game for a clean shot.
I post something about WoG to most of the fora I visit each week, as well as my own web site. I've posted today's column all over today.
Irish, good to hear that.
It must just be my lazy congress critters (or their lazy pages). ;-)
It seems that all my e-mail goes to /dev/null. Therefore, I e-mail, phone, then sometimes follow up with snail mail.
Hello, I just got home again, David. Watching niece's kids again, but it worked out, I guess, finally got my computer back, seems to be working this time and my wife had it all set up. FYI, above.
Will try to catch up with everybody, but definitely will write Sens.Prior and Lincoln about Holder.
One thing, don't just object to him on 2nd amendment grounds, but also on obstruction of justice grounds when he served Clinton as Ass't AG, and though notillegal,per se, deception of Congress as re.Waco and OKC.
You guys have probably already covered all this, but I have been completely out of touch during the family troubles ( and damn HP troubles too) If so, just ignore this.
Faxed Voinovich, e-mailed Sherrod Brown. Should have time to do a little more before the hearings start.
Other than Kennedy & Kerry, I'm sure my two Senaturds are the worst, and they represent CA, helping to turn it into a socialist graveyard of overtaxed and failed businesses - so I doubt contacting Feinswein or Boxturd is going to do any good, but I'll give it a couple of shots.
Please flush twice, it's a long way to Washington DC.
Emails can sit in the cyber in box with no one looking at them for eternity. With the fear of powdered threats, snail mail can and will sit in a box 'til the end of time, but a fax needs to be picked up and at least glanced at.
Keep up the effort
Those of you with anti-gun Senaturds--thanks. I did give other reasons besides guns in my Examiner article.
And don't forget the Judiciary Committee, where I link to A Keyboard and a .45.
Well, the reply I got from Sherrod Brown to my e-mail suggests someone actually read the durn thing.
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