Electronic monitoring has been used to track wildlife, stolen cars and criminals confined to their homes and jobs, but in what may be a sign of things to come, politicians in one British community propose to fasten monitoring devices to some of the local senior citizens to monitor their movements, cut costs and -- presumably -- keep the old-timers out of trouble... [More]Oh, I get it.
Collars of obedience.
These kinds of measure are always float-ballooned with the most benign justification:
- for "The Children"
- for "The Seniors"
- for the welfare of The Pink Ponies
UK local authorities have already been exposed using anti-Terruh surveillance measures to bust hapless Brits caught putting out vegetable peelings with their mixed paper.
Who believes that these tracking collars would not be pushed onto wider population for their "safety and security"?
Unless they start pushing back against this sort of stuff - and all signs point to that as highly unlikely at this late stage - the Brits deserve what's coming to them - good and hard
I once read a short story (don't recall title or author) that proposed a _very_ good use for collars. All elected officials had to wear a collar containing sufficient explosive to blow their head off. The detonator was triggered if a sufficient number of electors pushed the "off with his head" button within some "small" time period.
Seems like it would keep the scum, err, politicians in line.
I remember reading a real proposal (and I can't remember where- sorry) wherein all airline passengers would be required to wear a shock collar, and if someone got out of line... zap.
In THIS country.
Nice. How about "no."
I would say... Hell f*cking no!
I am a CITIZEN, not a SUBJECT! and I will not be treated as such.
Dock, I do put links in these things for a reason...:)
All I can say is that this will not happen to my parents, nor will it happen to me. I don't care if I go down fighting, they won't get it on.
I wager 300 Quatloos on the fat one.
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