Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Stop Treating CHL Holders as Potential Criminals

As I've noted in several columns on the OFCC website (listed below), gun control advocates have been screeching about last months rule change by the Department of the Interior that lifted the total ban on firearms in National Parks and Wildlife Refuges and instead specified that they follow the laws of the state in which it is located. [More]
Daniel White reacts to a bit of Feinsteinian hysteria in today's Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner column.


Anonymous said...

Void where prohibited.
Just opt out of the PERMIT game. It's a con. It's a protection racket, extortion.
Here's one reason: Even if you live in a shall-issue concealed carry state where open carry is legal without a permit, people are being stopped with guns plainly visible and still feeling it necessary to show their CONCEALED carry permit to persuade the police they aren't a criminal up to no good.
Thats bass-ackwards.

Anonymous said...

These Marxist parasites want to get their propaganda that only criminals would want to be armed.