Friday, March 20, 2009

Credit Where Due

2AMusing thought it was important to emphasize. [More]

I agree. A lot of people did good, and they all deserve to be acknowledged.

1 comment:

Joel said...

Against that background, it does seem a bit disingenuous and ingracious for the NRA to have released a statement today that leads any uninformed reader to believe that the NRA solved the problem. If there is anything universally known about the NRA it is that the NRA operates at a glacial pace.

And, because the NRA credits the Montana congressional delegation (but not MSSA) with having caused the reversal of the brass mutilation policy, one would guess they somehow sensed a Montana connection to the effort.

*SIGH* The NRA, taking credit for the efforts of others when it can't undermine them entirely since 1871.

Not a big fan. But God love the MSSA.