Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We're the Only Ones Taxing Enough

An Internal Revenue Service agent who audits taxpayers in California has agreed to plead guilty to cheating on his own taxes. [More]
I guess this "Only One" proves there really is no honor among thieves.

[Via Avg Joe]


jon said...

good for him for repenting!

"The tax loss to the government was more than $14,000."

oh, boo-hoo.

"the theft loss to the bank robbers who overlooked the second vault was in the millions! what a tragedy!"

Sentenza said...

I think it starts from the top down. He should have used the Turbotax defense. It worked for Tim "the Tax Cheat" Geithner.

straightarrow said...

What??? No cabinet position??? Even Sebelius got a pass and a cabinet position.