Saturday, March 21, 2009

We're the Only Ones "To be or Not to be" Enough

Suicide rates among police officers in Los Angeles and San Diego are higher than their counterparts in other big cities cited in a report considered Tuesday by the Los angeles Police Commission. [More]
I wonder how they compare with rates for the CHP and national LEOs?

There's only one thing to do. Disarm them now.

If it saves on "Only One," it's worth it.


Anonymous said...

I understand the issue, I don't see the problem.

Crustyrusty said...

It's fine to disarm soldiers if they come back from the sandbox with PTSD, 'cause they might be suicidal; it's OK for post commanders to force their troops to register their off-post firearms under cover of "preventing suicides" but no need to disarm the PoPo.

Anonymous said...

More important, lets find out if half of the folks the Brady Marxist say that amount to half the gun deaths in American are doing mind controlling drugs their doctors gave them.
Who cares about bottom feeding parasites who are out there to engineer bogus cases to attack decent American's freedoms or scam them out of their money. I worry more about people whom are killing themselves that put into the system by doing honest productive work.
There's an endless amount of parasites our there to replace the weak ones.