Tuesday, March 31, 2009

We're the Only Ones with Attitude Enough

The nearly 17-minute video shows the entire incident involving Houston Texans running back Ryan Moats and Dallas police officer Robert Powell. Moats was rushing his wife and two of her family members to a hospital, where his mother-in-law lay dying. She died while Moats and his wife's grandfather waited outside the hospital for the officer to issue a ticket. [More]
You will respect my authoritah!

Some of you sent me this story a few days back and I couldn't get to it. Her's the dashcam video of the stop. No understanding or common sense. It's not like it couldn't be checked out. Or ended immediately once the hospital rep explained the "Code Blue" situation.

"Right now your attitude sucks...I can make your life very difficult...Attitude's everything... Remember attitude?"

Good Lord. And he warns him about "next time"!

People have emergencies. You'd think emergency responders would realize that, and, I don't know, maybe...help...?

[Via John G]


AvgJoe said...

Just your average pig doing what the average pig does. These people look down on us and see themselves as better than we are.
There's only one problem with that demeanor. In our world today, 99.9 percent of the parasites make the good ones look bad.
I would love to somehow be able to come up with the stats that clearly show: Every X amount of seconds a cop is abusing his power against a citizen.

AvgJoe said...

Hey I have an idea about my post above. Why don't we come up with some kind of number like: Every three minutes a cop abuses his or her authority against a citizen.
Maybe this is true or maybe its not but if we play the same game the cops, liberals and parasites play and repeat something enough we can get the dumb down masses to believe it, LOL!
Beat them at their own game.

Kent McManigal said...

Considering the number of LEOs (Liberty Eradication Operatives) infesting this country, I'll bet it is a lot more often that that.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. In most states, drivers of emergency vehicles (ambulances, fire trucks, police cars) have to display flashing lights as the primary method to request right of way, sound sirens to alert other drivers of an emergency response in progress, and to stop for every red light and stop sign where there is observable traffic to verify that the right of way has been yielded. Failure to stop at the red lights and stop signs when there is traffic makes the emergency vehicle driver 100% responsible for the accident. Also, vehicles are to yield to emergency vehicles displaying falshing lights and sounding their siren, pulling to the side of the road when safe to do so.
In the 17 minute video, I see at least two instances where cross traffic is observable, with no stopping at any intersection with a red light or stop sign by either Mr. Moats or Officer Powell. Mr. Moats also did not stop when Officer Powell displayed his flashing lights and sounded his siren. While I can empathize with Mr. Moats predictament, I just thank God that he (and the officer chasing him) did not broadside any vehicle going through an intersection on their green light. Mr. Moats only stopped when he got to the hospital. His relatives did proceed inside within two minutes on the videotape. Because of current Federally mandated privacy laws, the officer would not be able to immediately identify the dying patient's status with the hospital staff. It would be unwise to release the driver from the scene until it was verified that he lawfully operated the vehicle and was just not running from a pursuing police car by ducking into a hospital parking lot.
I wish people would stop the drama and think about the lethal consequences for other vehicle occupants that could have occurred here. Shame on that Dallas Police Chief for condemning that officer for his actions. I have seen too many seeverly injured people from drivers who acted like Mr. Moats.
-A former EMT/A and ambulance driver

Sean said...

You and that facist cop can cry me a river. Yeah, I know, you're the only ones that can make an EMS decision, and except for all the drunks,drug addicts,thieves,wife beaters, and goofs, you're a swell bunch. I have personally seen too many wallets lifted by EMS personnel to have any more respect for them than I do cab drivers. I heard that POS crying on a radio show, about how he might lose his job, and how sorry he was. As far as I'm concerned, he can suck mud and die.

John R said...

Here is the officer in an interview:


Defender said...

Guilty until proven innocent later when it no longer matters. It's the American way.
Keeeep on.
From now on I'll assume that ambulances coming up behind me with lights and siren are on their way to get lunch. *I* have no way of being sure there's a patient in there or they're on their way to a patient's location instead of to Burger Barn. I USED TO panic when I hear a siren and look fo a place to pull over out of the way, and bashed my car around some trying to be a good citizen. Ha.
No more Mr. Nice Guy. That's for suckers, apparently.
17 minutes. A lecture. A threat.
Damn, you're a linebacker. Do what you do.

straightarrow said...

Well then, didn't you notice his lights were flashing in emergency mode? And that he never evaded the officer, he just went to the emergency?

Give it up!

Jerri Lynn Ward said...

5:34 PM

Not only did he have his emergency lights on, he stopped at the intersection, looked for traffic, got waived through by another driver and continued. It was the cop who almost plowed into somebody while in pursuit.

My recollection from the video is that by the time the cop was on him, he was 20 seconds from the entrance. It's a darn good thing he didn't stop, the mother would have died before Moats' wife (the daughter) got to say goodby.

His relatives proceeded into the hospital at the risk of being tackled or tased by this crazed cop. The cop wouldn't let the 2 men go into the hospital. One of those men was the father of the dying woman.

After being advised TWICE by nurses, the cop still took his sweet time (17 minutes total) to write a citation that should have taken 3 minutes to write.

Given your factual errors, I don't believe that you watched the video. Otherwise, you would have heard the officer tell him:

"I can screw you over," Officer Powell said. "I would rather not do that. You obviously will dictate everything that happens; and right now, your attitude sucks."

AvgJoe said...

This pig could have done this a lot better and had options as to how to do it. But he did it in such a way to be a full on prick, an asshole a piece of shit, take your pick or wrap em' all up into one ball of slime and presto you have a Officer Powell. Funny how Pig and Powell both start with the same letter that Prick, Puke and Parasite do.

straightarrow said...

AJ, don't hold back, please tell how you really feel.

AvgJoe said...

LOL! Maybe tomorrow I'll work on O's if David comes up with the right story.
Sorry, but I've got a disabled two and a half year old daughter and she's the love of my life. I can't see how anyone can hurt a small child but a mad dog that needs to be put down.
Which brings us to a point of interest. There's no question this country has been moving to the left. As it does we see more and more dangerous conduct coming out of government and the police are no longer Peace Officers who are the friends of citizens as they once were. We see the body count of abortions and we even see people whom are anti-abortion on list as enemies of the state. The left has proved to be the bloodiest killers with the highest body count known to mankind. So it stands to reason we see more cops killing people's pets, being arrested for beating babies and fondling young underage girls. The left wants monsters working for them because that's who is going to be the kind of people the left needs to get the job done that they have in mind for the American people. The writing is on the wall as far as I can see.

straightarrow said...

aj, if there is any justice in the world, we may be seeing it. This chickenshit resigned today. Evidently he couldn't stand being told "I can screw you up". Like all bully boy cowards, when the bill came due, he fucking ran.

I do seriously hope this sonofabitch can't even get a job in fast food.