Saturday, March 21, 2009

We're the Only Ones "A Few Bad Apples" Enough

Schenectady's Corporation Counsel John Van Norden said, "If you abolish the police department you still have a need - not an obligation - but a need to police the community. You would need something in transition. Declaring martial law would be one way to bridge the gap." [More]
Got that?

The whole damn department is so damn corrupt they can't field a police force. So much for the "few bad apples" theory.

Then they admit they have no obligation to protect you.

So do you think they'll let you protect yourself?

Hah! Not when the option of establishing complete tyrannical control is still on the table.

Last night when I read this story, I laughed. This morning, reading it again, I don't find it funny at all.

[Via Andre]


Anonymous said...

Instead of martial law, how about we try marital law?

That's right, they cheated, they lied, they fell down in their responsibilities so just as in divorce, let's cut 'em loose, after taking everything they've got, getting a lien on everything they're ever going to have and completely ruining their chances to "live happily ever after".

Works for me.

Then arm all the new divorce plaintiffs, the need for to police will not be a problem because each future divorcee will be capable of enforcing the law in their immediate area and protecting themselves. And finally the people with the obligation will have the means to fulfill it and a whole lot more incentive than those suddenly divorced respondents who ended up divorced respondents because they recognized no obligation on their part.

Martial law, NO! Marital law, why not. Ain't it funny how moving one little letter can make all the sense in the world?

Kent McManigal said...

Don't know about the rest of you, but I don't NEED anyone policing me or my neighbors. Just get out of my way and let me live my life without any badged parasites trying to feed off of me. I can get along just fine, and so can the rest of you.

Anonymous said...

Martial Law? What? What army does he have working under him, and what authority, where he could "declare" it? So they have problems with their police; a town is just an incorporation under state law. Pay the staties to come fill in.

Both the mayor and Van Norden need to be removed from office by any legal means possible, as soon as possible. They must be insane.

PolyKahr said...

I can't believe they come up with declaring martial law. It's insane! What about bringing in the county Sheriff's department as a temporary stop gap, or as suggested, the State Patrol. And what does it say about the hiring practices of the Mayor and the Police Chief.

More and more it seems the world has gone mad.


Anonymous said...

Can we defend ourselves against the mafia Kent?

Kent McManigal said...

Anon- Of course we can. One individual thug at a time, regardless if government is there or not. Your safety will still be your responsibility alone. "Laws" against reasonable self-defense measures protect the mafia more than they protect you. If the mafia decides to target you, do you really think the government thugs will be any protection? Who or what gives the mafia their money and power? Prohibitions. Where do prohibitions come from?

idahobob said...

"A need to police the community"?

For what?

The terrorists amongst us?

What ever happened to "A Well regulated Militia"?

Excuse me....but who gave this self righteous, pompous bastard,the "authority" to even suggest that Martial Law is the answer.

I must stop now....


Anonymous said...

The easy answer is to have the folks do the job. One thing not covered is just how bad do you think the judges that these criminals took the cases to. You can bet the whole system DA's office, judges all the parasites in that area are pure trash that need to be removed.
A mini showcase of how a good system get out of control when the parasites take over.

Anonymous said...

Police the community? From what?

Martial Law? Whichever clown proposed that should just go F himself. I absolutely do not recognize any "rules" that infringe on my personal liberties, and I will DAMN RIGHT REFUSE to abide by any "martial law" any so called "authority" imposes.