Friday, April 24, 2009

The Let's See How Far We Can Push Them Act of 2009 now online. [More]

Brought to you in part by "A"-rated Kirsten Gillibrand!

And if this works, we'll be back!

[Via W-3]

UPDATE: Analysis from Joe via Skip (and yeah, I've corresponded with both these guys for years):
This is essentially the old McCain-Lieberman gun show bill from eight years ago (S.890), in slightly lighter form.

"Gun show promoters" must register with the Attorney General and maintain a register with the signature and identifying data of all "vendors." (carefully examine the definition of vendor.)

"Vendor" is ANYONE who offers for sale/trade/etc a gun at a gun show, whether the person has a fixed location (e.g. table holder) or not (e.g. a guy walking around the show with a firearm for sale/trade).

The requirement for an FFL-conducted background check (NICS check) apply "if any part of a firearm transaction takes place at a gun show." For example, you see a gun you like, offered by a private seller (non-FFL), but you don't agree on a price. Later in the week you call the guy and make another offer. THAT transfer must be done through an FFL. This could be stretched to include just SEEING a gun offered for sale, because the initial contact was at a gun show.

FFLs, in addition to the existing paperwork requirements (new forms as specified by the AG, and a new "bound book"), must report to the Attorney General within 10 days, all transactions processed at a gun show. Unlike a storefront FFL, who must simply maintain the records for examination by competent authority, gun show transfer data must be sent to the AG.

Federal felony penalties apply to any violation, procedural or otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the "Walk across the street from the gun show" law...

Anonymous said...

And the new cry from the left against evil becomes, we have to close the "'Walk across the street from the gun show' loophole!"

My prediction is that guns shows become guns meet and greets and more and more online state-specific internet classifieds spring up.

It never stops.

MamaLiberty said...

Or, we might just all tell these parasites to go pound sand. Quite a few of the FFL holders might find a slightly different way to do business...

Some of us are all done backing up.


AvgJoe said...

So if someone has a firearm for sale and someone gets that person's phone number for a buddy that was unable to make the show. Its easy to see where this is going.
I'm just wondering when these idiots are going to make it so people have had all they are going to take. Lets see here, retirements are being destoryed, homes are being taking, jobs are gone over seas. So now they want to take freedom and rights away by the bucket loads. Somehow I think that messing with people who haven't anything left to lose is a bad idea. But what do I know.

Defender said...

They're covering all the bases on the way to HR45 total registration.
If the "gun show loophole" IS closed... well, look at some New England states, where you cannot give or bequeath a gun to even a member of your immediate family. They have to go through the background check and get their own license, and register the gun AGAIN in their name, often while the cops hold the heirloom in protective custody until all the hoops have been jumped through. They WILL one day just decide not to let go of any of them. It's been done everywhere else.
It will NOT be done in the rest of OUR COUNTRY.
Of course we're "paranoid" for thinking the ATF would ever use informants to entrap us private sellers and buyers when private sales are illegal.
Henry Bowman in "Unintended Consequences" ... DISCOURAGES several.

Defender said...

He discourages them so severely that they never, ever do it again.
When someone shouts "ATF!" we should shout back "SNBI!"
"What? I've never heard of your agency."
"Sure you have. 'Shall not be infringed.'"
Then begin the "discouragement."
They can only succeed if we are afraid.

Defender said...

As far as Curse-them Killingground's betrayal, ambush has always been a legitimate battlefield tactic against the enemy in war.
But when were We the People and our rights declared the worst enemy of the government, and when did the war start, and how come they didn't tell US?
I've written my Congressional rep-tiles about this and the Border Patrol fascism. I don't expect change, I just wanted to put my tiny weight on the scale. Obviously what's going on is OK with them or it WOULDN'T be going on. The most powerful legislative body in the Western Hemisphere?

Sean said...

Squeeze,baby,squeeze. Till our eyeballs bleed. III.

straightarrow said...

ok, David, I know you don't want calls to violence on your site. If this passes, what else is there, except submission?

I will not submit. I am with MamaL, I ain't taking another step back. I bought their shit that they beleived what they said for years. I didn't think they were right, but I was willing to let them find out they weren't. They know, this isn't about anything except fucking with my freedom. I will not tolerate it at no blood cost to them.

So, I ask again, what else is there if this passes?

Anonymous said...


SamenoKami said...

Thank goodness the NRA gave Gillibrand an "A" rating. Can you just imagine what she could have proposed with an "F"?
The NRA deserves to have less than zero members. What a useless organization of late.

BrianF said...

"Some of us are all done backing up." How true. I can't go back any further without falling.
Let the "discouragement" begin.

Defender said...

When you add up the Homeland Security report demonizing conservatives, any critics of the government, and accusing the military of being terrorist fodder; plus more gun control; plus internal checkpoints, plus the big database of "real" Americans for employers to check is in operation. My employer has posted a notice about it. eVerify. So when you get laid off, you COULD be on a no-hire list when you apply somewhere else. The acting director of Freddie Mac supposedly committed suicide this week. What did he know?
The major media are interviewing arch-anti-Semite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, of all people, even as they agitate against guns -- and rights -- for their own viewers.
"The Perfect Storm" has become a cliche, but..."

GunRights4US said...

Coital penetration upon them! I'm DONE backing up.

MamaLiberty said...

I talk to a lot of people. So many of them just don't understand what I mean when I say I'm all done backing up...

I'm an old lady, not strong and not able to do a lot of things. I'm not really brave and all this makes me shake sometimes and want to weep.

No more than anyone else do I want to die or, worse, suffer pain and the sorrow of watching others suffer when I can't help them. I'm a nurse, a mother, a grandmother and a helper, not a warrior.

I don't want to harm anyone else, and will find no joy in shooting to defend myself. I only want to be left alone to live in peace.

But I will die, fearful and shaking most likely, rather than submit to complete slavery.

The choice is theirs. I've made mine.

AvgJoe said...

Defender made a point to bring up the DHS report. And how these people see us and the laws they are passing. Which tied two thoughts I've had on this subject together. Being the government by the Constitution is to give us just compensation when it takes our property. To take people money away from them in taxes and use those taxes to attack and slander hard working and God fearing decent Americans and call them terrorist is beyond pale. To the degrees of lying to us about the amount of firearms going into Mexico so they can use our property (our tax money) to cheat us out of our Constitutional rights is AGAINST THE HIGHEST LAWS OF THE LAND!
Clearly we have criminals whom have hijacked out federal government and have parasites on the tit being paid more money then their abilities would allow them to be paid in the private sector so these people can hunt down and kill decent God fearing Americans is again not providing just compensation for the hard earned money taking.
The reason we are on to this government being hijacked by criminals and enforced by ruthless goons. Is because in order to do the evil deeds these criminals want to do is they have to take our guns away first. What these criminals want to do to the American people can not be done to an armed population. We get upset with all the sheep out there who don't have a clue. If they do get a clue its going to be because we lost and its too late to stop the criminals.
Bottom line: We are pretty much on our own and I don't see much of a change with groups like the NRA being our so called friends. May God have mercy on us and guild us through this attack out us and our families by Godless criminals who to date have butchered over 50 million babies to death.
Special note to all government goons reading this. Unless you folks get it right and understand that oath you took you will get to enjoy the fires of hell with the likes of the lowest scum criminals this world has ever seen. You may think of yourself as being on the right side but you're not and if you're too stupid to see it this mortal life span is a blink of an eye up against, Forever. Better think long and hard about that.

Defender said...

MamaLiberty, God bless you. Our biggest wars have been fought by ordinary people with a soul that called them to take action, along with the fraction of the people who are professional warriors. I have been in exactly ONE force-on-force training weekend in which I pulled the trigger (Simunitions and paintball) on another live person. I am no warrior either, but I can think like one. It was easier than I thought.
I could probably compromise and pretend to live free until I die naturally, but that would leave the problem for my grandchildren, who are less prepared than I. Your courage, and the courage of many like you, will be enough. In having the courage to SPEAK, you have emboldened others. The ripples spread out...

MamaLiberty said...

Thank you Defender. I have, however, been forced to pull the trigger and shoot another human being once to save my life. I didn't want to do it then, and don't ever want to do it again - but I KNOW that I CAN and WILL do it - as many times as necessary - to remain a sovereign individual.

And yes, I do hope some of our oppressors are reading this. They need to know that we do not wish to harm them - but we will not stand idle while we are enslaved. The choice is theirs.

Tom said...

In case the Defender's "storm" wasn't big enough, add government controlling the availability of health care, taxing of byproducts of life. The law that wanted to force all gardens to be open to inspection, GPS tracking under the guise of mileage taxes.

The reason they can do this stuff is that we have stood still time and time again. The .gov has succeeded in their divide and conquer tactics for the gun folks. They did it to the rest of folks first under the title "party affiliation"

The big question is when the "sleeping giant" is busy arm wrestling himself who comes in and slits his throat? We owe a bunch of folks a lot and they might be looking to collect before it's too late.

Sorry to go pretty far off base, but as I have no intention of following their "law" even if it were to pass I can't see it impacting me too much. They treat me like a criminal long enough and a point is reached where they lose ALL authority. Some smart folks, more intelligent than our current crop of "leaders" by billions, I guess I should make that trillions of orders of magnitude once wrote something dealing with this very situation....

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

straightarrow said...

SamenoKami, I have to give the NRA a pass on Gillibrand's NRA grade in the past. She said the right things, she voted to protect the rights of gunowners. That is what they had to go on.

I might fault them for their naivete in not realizing when Patterson appointed her and Shumer endorsed her that she had sold out. But to that point, the point where she no longer needed the votes of her small House constituency, she did everything that would have earned her a high rating.

Now, though, I do hold the NRA to blame for not changing her grade,and for not publicly denouncing her and exposing her hypocrisy and betrayal. That is what the should do. But I can't fault them for the original grade.

VLWH Paul said...

This despicable cretin Lautenberg is one of the reasons I left NJ to seek political asylum in Texas. Someone needs to put this mummy back into his sarcophagus.