Thursday, April 30, 2009

OK Full Auto Shoot

It's almost a year old, but this is fun to watch. [More]

I wish more reporters would just get into the spirit of why people are there instead of bringing a tack-on agenda into the commentary. This young lady does a good job--a lot of older ones could learn from her.

[Via Gerhard Paul]


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

This young lady does a good job--a lot of older ones could learn from her.Call me a pig, but I couldn't help but notice that she's not at all hard to look at, either.

Brock Townsend said...

Good one, that I hadn't seen before. The girl is a real attribute to the Cause. Think I'll have Dixie watch it as part of her homeschool today! At the San Onofre school on Camp Pendleton, they showcase weapons for Family Night, and show the kids how they work without firing them. Don't guess Hussein would approve......

The_Chef said...

G4 & Attack of the Show tend to be kind of libertarian, very very big on the Net Neutrality issue as well.

There's some evidence that they are pro-pot legalization and very skeptical of gov't control.

Sean said...

Get some! III

Snake9 said...

I harvested a clip from NBC (with my DVR) on this shoot last year (as well as the more well known one in TN) and as expected, NBC gave a smarmy portrayal of the shooters as slightly "nuts", unlike this fine report (and reporter IMHO)...Good catch, Dave-arino...Gives Californians a reason to get out and shoot some real un-CA-neutered firearms as they were intended to be handled (I was drooling over that FN-FAL, I need one so bad/;-)