Thursday, May 21, 2009

Don't Think of It as Suspension of Habeas Corpus...

...think of it as "preventive detention."
President Obama told human rights advocates at the White House on Wednesday that he was mulling the need for a “preventive detention” system that would establish a legal basis for the United States to incarcerate terrorism suspects who are deemed a threat to national security but cannot be tried, two participants in the private session said. [More]
Well, when you're dealing with scary people like these, you need to be prepared to do something. Nobody thinks all these "homegrown terrorist" trial balloons have been floated to always limit this stuff exclusively to foreigners, do they?

That's quite some Hopey Hopey Change Change this administration is bringing us. What's funny is seeing some of the less dim cud-chewers starting to realize they've been had.


Anonymous said...

Link won't work, David.

David Codrea said...

Fixed, thanks. Always try the title link, too--I put it in two places (when I don't screw up)--the "More" link is for those reading feeds.

Wayne Conrad said...

He really is jealous of Lincoln, isn't he.

SamenoKami said...

This idiot has no concept of 'rule of law.' And he went to Harvard law school? Did he attend classes or was he just given a passing grade? We are living in an "Alice in Wonderland" world, where words mean whatever definition they make up. 'Terrorist' can paint a wide stripe w/these clowns.

straightarrow said...

I have seen, heard and read Obama's take on the constitution and I can only conclude that he matriculated under Affirmative Action.

Defender said...

They've been working their way up to this since September 2001.
Gonna be a long hot summer.

Defender said...

"incarcerate terrorism suspects who are deemed a threat to national security but cannot be tried."
For lack of evidence?
Takes time to manufacture it.
The Organs of Solzhenitsyn's Gulag discovered there's a better standard of living in the West, and their skills are increasingly welcome.
The reaction? A Christian friend tells me she feels guilty for being less than enthusiastic about praying for Obama along with the Presidential Prayer Team. Even if you don't respect the man, you should respect the office, she said.
But what if he's the Reichschancellor of Germany?
The apostle Paul had to respect Nero, she replied. God says to acknowledge earthly authority on earth.
The Vatican ruled most of Europe 1,000 years later, so what else WOULD Paul say?
I suggested she pray for Obama -- to gain wisdom and know and do what is right. She's comfortable with that and doesn't feel unpatriotic anymore.

Frederick H Watkins said...

This idea smells of unwarranted arrests, made in the middle of the night, of political undesireables who, one can assume, no one will ever see again. The U.S. is already holding suspected terrorists who have yet to be tried which is pretty much the same as cannot be tried. Does anyone remember Obama's statement about a national civilian force just as funded and just as powerful as the military? Hmmmm.....