Monday, May 18, 2009

"The Favorite Son"?

Former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney was the final speaker and gave what may be a prelude to his stump speech for 2012. By appearing before the convention for a second straight year there is no doubt that he is currently the favorite son of the NRA going forward. [More]
You've got to be kidding.

I wonder if anyone opposed to that will be told how "the perfect is the enemy of the good"?

Of course, I also wonder exactly what kind of "American values" Dick Morris represents that we should be "celebrating".

Funny, isn't it, looking at the type of people who are applauded and welcomed into the fold?

There I go being divisive again.


FatWhiteMan said...

Mitt? Favorite son? Surely even the NRA leadership learned something from their McCain love-fest.

jon said...

"Unfortunately, in general, it's used to convey malaise and a desire to quell those who would 'rock the boat'."

how true.

if you can attain the good, then do so, and don't avoid it in order to attain the perfect.

it's not that the perfect is actually the natural, essential enemy of the good. it is a question of the effort put forth. voltaire just took a linguistic shortcut, he wasn't making a metaphysical assertion on the substance of perfection.

in other words, expend your "political capital" every chance you get, because it is free. your position costs you only the time it takes to write it down, so it had damn well better be consistent.

quit complaining about what other people think of what you are doing, take a nap, eat a sandwich. you'll find yourself ready to write even more letters to your senators.

Sean said...


Defender said...

Romney is like the guy who lays the cinderblock foundation so the concrete-pourers and bricklayers and welders can build the rest of the PRISON.
Anyone troubled by semi-automatic rifles and pistols in his CONSTITUENTS' hands... is not their friend. If he's the R candidate in 2012, I might as well vote for the ObaMaster. My eyes aren't getting any sharper nor my hands steadier. The latest -- and I mean like Sunday and Friday -- incursions by ATF are a test-market campaign for the Big One. Our half-dozen friends in Congress can't hold back that avalanche.

straightarrow said...

Divisive? You? Uh huh, I have to agree with them, you are divisive. Your concept, shared by many real men, I might add, does divide the moral man from the merely opportunistic. That is a good thing.

We have the Snowflake and Bitch to clamor for unity with the immoral and disloyal. So please, keep up the division. Our dividend will be an honest one, unlike their pretend answer to the equation.

Grading is not on the curve. They will eventually discover that, to their chagrin. Chagrin, not shame, they have no shame, though they have ample reason.

jon said...

well if you don't like sandwiches, you can read in depth of the theories of political capital management and simply continue to pay lifetime membership for more GCAs and NFAs in the meanwhile.

and, if you don't like telling senators to simply back off, to leave us alone, and so on, you can always don the ring again and goad them into passing laws to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamenting of the women.

but i'd call that a soft war sumter.

zach said...

man, things are getting . I don't think the government wants to go along to get along anymore. You can go to hell, NRA.

Anonymous said...

Romney SUPPORTED an CHEERFULLY SIGNED INTO LAW the Massachusetts semi-auto gun ban. He does not support ME and I most certainly will not support HIM. I'll either vote 3rd party or sit out the election rather than be forced to vote between two tyrants. I will not vote FOR the scumbag traitor who wishes to enslave me. Party "unity"? If this is the best the "republicans" can come up with - count me out.