Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pursuing Happiness, Government-Style

U.S. Will Pay $2.6 Million to Train Chinese Prostitutes to Drink Responsibly on the Job [More]
Meanwhile, the Brits are using their plunder to rent pornos.

So what if it means you could miss a house payment or a utility bill or providing an advantage to your children? Master wants it for boner movies and drunken Chicom whores.

But what can we do about it? If we don't obey their strong-arm extortion demands and surrender the fruits of our labors and the time from our lives, they'll dispatch armed teams to kidnap or kill us. If we resist such assaults, initiated on their terms, and at the times and places of their choosing, we and those we love are likely to be exterminated.

And their propagandists will paint us as the terrorist extremists. They'll probably even get a quote from a relieved neighbor or two who had no idea they were living next door to someone with arsenal...and that old "Authorized Journalist" standby, "thousands of rounds of ammunition."

Which may explain the naked contempt the rulers have for us, and why they dare treat so cavalierly that which they wrest from us at gunpoint.


Defender said...

I think the pain threshold for many people will be reached soon.
Then again, No-Guns Nagin of New Orleans is only now suffering his lowest approval rating ever, 24%. People are disappointed at the slow pace of rebuilding after Katrina, and the ethics of his using a vendor credit card to vacation in Hawaii. They're also angry that the 1,000 crime-prevention SURVEILLANCE CAMERAS aren't all installed as promised.
Stealing guns and abducting people was OK, as long as they're the RIGHT people.
You can't force freedom on people. Not if they don't grasp the concept.
All you can do is warn them that the way a leader feels about trusting them with guns is the way he feels about freedom and justice in general.

Anonymous said...

Why not give our tax dollars to Chinese whores? We're all "citizens of the world" according to Barry.

Defender said...

Left out "Third." THIRD World.

Defender said...

That other "Barry," Marion Barry, gave money to and used drugs with Columbian whores. District of Columbia, when he was mayor. On video. Now he's on city council. Eliot Spitzer, Bill Clinton, they've dumbed immorality down, yet crucify regular people for doing less, or nothing at all. If you're lower-low-class, no one expects better of you. The great Middle pays for it all, always. That's what ladies and gentlemen do, how they're raised: Respect authority.
There are limits.

Defender said...

Kommissar Pelosi is hyperventilating tonight after being caught lying that she didn't know about waterboarding. She was told in 2003, but says she wasn't "briefed." Someone who WAS "briefed" informed HER. Therefore she was briefed.
Says she didn't object because a letter wouldn't have changed anything, only a change of leadership would.
What an interesting concept.

W W Woodward said...

When you think about it, a whore is a hired hand paid to "service" her temporary employer. And, lawyers and politicians are paid to do the same thing.

At least, occasionally, a whore will bestow a kiss. The only thing one may expect from a lawyer or a politician is a repeat of the service.

I've recently realized that Texas, contrary top popular belief, allows prisoners conjugal visits. It's not unusual for an inmate to receive a visit from his lawyer.

The reasoning behind the Chinese whores becoming beneficiaries of the $2.6 million is probably a matter of professional courtesy.

Jay.Mac said...

As well as advising Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job, NIH is also spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to research why drunken gay Argentinians engage in risky sex.

I'm guessing Obama needs to take another look at the budget line-by-line.

Qi Ji Guang said...

Once again, our hard earned tax dollars being used for everything except safeguarding our freedom and liberty.