Thursday, May 28, 2009

A Trusted Fund

Crist vetoed only two items: a small pay cut for some state workers and a measure to take $6 million from a trust fund that's used to process concealed weapons permits. [More]
There's been a lot of brouhaha on this, and it's been covered by others. I mention it here because many of you have emailed me tips over the past few days.

In truth, it has just not been that important a story to me, because I never signed up to trust the damn government with any of this in the first place.

[Via Ed M]


zach said...

Agreed. Get rid of the damn "permits"

Anonymous said...

If the Florida Legislature can hijack the fee which is supposed to fund the CWP program to fund other activities, then the fee is a tax. Should any of your Constitutional rights be taxed?