Thursday, September 10, 2009

BATFU News Network

As of this moment, if you do a Google News search for the term "ATF," three of the articles on the first page of hits are mine, including the first two.

This opportunity can make a difference at getting the message outside of the blogosphere and in front of a more general readership. That's why I bug readers here every day with my incessant request to "tell a friend."

Can ATF be reformed?
Jewish gun rights group says 'Boot the BATFE'
Even ATF employees fed up with corruption and incompetence
Demand hearings into ATF corruption allegations


Brock Townsend said...

Congratulations, Sir, and keep up the good work.

Larry said...

Word is getting out, although too slowly. I send each of my Senators and congressman a slightly modified version of your email (included a suggestion that the view the JFPO film "The Gang") and also sent it to everyone on my email list suggesting they do the same.

Keep up the good fight!