Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Telling Vote

The Senate voted Monday to block the Housing and Urban Development Department from giving grants to ACORN, a community organization under fire in several voter-registration fraud cases.The 83-7 vote would deny housing and community grant funding to ACORN, which stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. [More]
And guess who voted to keep subsidizing these subversives...funny who she shows loyalty to and who she betrays...

And revealing...

[Via Peter G]


Sean said...

In the face of overwhelming evidence that this is a thug organization, she votes to let it slide. She is a traitor.

Santander said...

Gillibrand... say it isn't so!!!

Tangalor said...

I blogged about acorn and their videos today.


http://biggovernment.com/2009/09/10/chaos-for-glory/ is the site that did the videos. There're a few, but these two are the most disturbing so far.

Bat-Shit-Crazy, if you ask me.

straightarrow said...

Uh, guys, don't you remember what mouth breathing morons we were when we correctly predicted Gillibrand's modus operandi once she made the deal to be the new senator.

I mean, c'mon, all those pragmatists couldn't have been wrong when they excoriated us with such religious fervor.

Now aren't you ashamed of yourselves for continuing to chronicle her betrayal of her constituents, principle, and her nation. You will note, I did place "her" in front of principle.

Ooooh, I'm sooooooo ashamed! Who the Hell do I think I am being right when all our surrenderers were wrong? Why it's like I cheated and actually used thought processes, experience and history to reach the proper conclusion.

Think about it guys. We weren't right because we were right too soon. That's the same as being wrong when the others vote that we couldn't possibly know something they were to intellectually lazy to know or figure out.

Oh my, oh my, I don't know how I will manage to forego issuing an apology to the apologists for traitors. But somehow, I think I'll be able to resist the urge.

straightarrow said...

"You will note, I did place "her" in front of principle."

Should read; You will note I did NOT place "her" in front of principle.

constant gina said...

hmmmm ok...good they defund them...obvious choice>!