Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We're the Only Ones "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire" Enough

THEY swear to tell the whole truth -- some times.

Prosecutors and NYPD Internal Affairs probers have identified as many as two dozen cases in the past year in which cops allegedly made false statements involving routine arrests when the truth would have served them just as well. [More]
Assuming they've found them all--and they're telling us everything they've found...

Furious Mike's "Only Ones."

No doubt just a few bad apples...

[Via Harvey]

1 comment:

Chas said...

Why should New York cops feel an obligation to be honest? Their boss Bloomberg lies and says he supports the Second Amendment. New York's Finest must get a good laugh out of that, since they carry out his "support for the Second Amendment" every time they arrest someone for simple gun possession.
Since Bloomberg with his MAIG fraud acts like a slickster, con artist trying to pull a fast one, why would anyone expect his cops to behave differently?