What they're saying in the Chicago case is essentially the same thing they said in the Heller Washington D.C. case: Gun bans are "reasonable" and consistent with the Second Amendment proscription that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows what the Bradys mean when they say "reasonable common sense gun laws."
This does not surprise anyone who has been watching these Brady characters for any length of time. [More]
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"Subjects like you and me aren't allowed anything."
Oleg continues to impress.
Markie Marxist sez: "Of course gun bans are consistent with the Second Amendment! "Shall not be infringed" means the same thing as "shall be infringed". The two phrases are mutually interchangeable and identical in meaning. Anyone can see that. It's just common communist sense."
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