Sunday, November 01, 2009

Hell Hath No Fury: Scozzafava Shows True Colors

I wonder what Newt's gonna say about her "principled leadership" now? And what this says about putting faith in "moderate" Republicans, especially those who would burn the Big Tent down when they don't get center ring? [More]
Holy Moly--a third Gun Rights Examiner column--on a Sunday...

Make it stop!

With prior coverage on this race, I couldn't let this development go without comment.


Anonymous said...

I wonder when the republican party will get it?
They don't lose elections because they are too conservative.
They lose elections because they are not conservative enough!
McCain tried to out liberal Obama and see where it got him!
Paul in Texas

PolyKahr said...

Once again, people are were caught pulling the wool over voters' eyes. I had taken up NRA membership again, after many years of estrangement. But I will not give them money this year. Indeed, I tell everyone that asks to joing either GOA or JPFO. Either one is more honest than NRA, saddly.

AvgJoe said...

Another case that has people wondering if the NRA is a group of people who stand on the foundation of the United States Constitution, the Second Amendment by far and large. Or some political hack group that sways with the political landscape from day to day.
The simple fact that I can say what I said above and it has merit. Shows that the NRA is so backwards and out of touch that it is clueless to how it comes across to reasonable folks.