Wednesday, November 04, 2009

We're the Only Ones DAREing Enough

A hearing scheduled for Tuesday in the case of a Pitt County deputy accused of providing alcohol to a person younger than 21 was continued...

Amanda R. Tyndall
, a Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education officer with the sheriff's office, was arrested Sept. 24 and charged by the State Bureau of Investigation with the offense. [More]
Why do "Only Ones" stories like this make me feel like it's "Opposite Day"?

[Via dmschmi2]

1 comment:

TJP said...

This is more like When Only Ones and Safetards Collide.

The alleged victim was a 20 year-old who took a sip of wine. If she had only waited between 1 and 12 months, all of civilization would not have been instantaneously destroyed....or something.