Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Man with a Gun

Horrors! [More]

And thing is, there's no shortage of those on "our side" who say this makes us all look bad.

The "Authorized Journalist" is, as we would expect, an idiot, but the Arrogant "Only One" Presumption of the Week Award goes to Sunnyvale Public Safety Captain Doug "Good for Me but Not for Thee" Moretto:
We have a difficult time understanding the point of this. What value does this bring to the community right now?
Yeah, Doug, well I have a difficult time understanding the point of you, and your authoritarian parasite assumption that individuals exist to serve the collective. Who are you obligated by law to protect? So why the hell do you get to have a gun? Talk about being of no value to the community...

[Via Carl S]


PeaceableGuy said...

The video doesn't limit itself to the extreme closeup of the fellow who carried his AR-15 to a public protest (usually done to hide the fact that the fellow doesn't fit the stereotype of the dumb white male), although it doesn't shy away from lying by calling the pictured semi-auto rifle an "automatic weapon".

Anonymous said...

Toward the end Moretto tries to tie deaths of his associates to lawful gun ownership, a common tactic of uber only ones everywhere.

Kent McManigal said...

It adds more value to the community than that worthless vermin of a "public safety captain" does. By many orders of magnitute.

Anonymous said...

OMG! We're all gonna F'n DIE!!!!!

On the other hand, about a dozen of us here in Virginia who are part of the open carry movement had lunch at Champs in Reston, Virginia on Sunday, Dec. 6th.

There were stories told, opinions expressed, and so forth. Every single one of us had a firearm secured to our hips and prominently displayed. There was no blood in the streets, no threats were made against the establishment or any of its patrons. In fact, neither the waitresses nor the patrons gave us so much as a second glance.

You'd have thought that we were, oh, I don't know -- downright peaceable.


Defender said...

The woman on the 911 (!) tape sounded intelligent, even calling them magazines instead of "clips."
Sitting, drinking coffee, bothering no one. Did she think he was going to enjoy a double latte and a bagel and then go on a homicidal rampage?
It's conditioning. By the entertainment industry and the news media. If you have a gun you are a "gunman." If someone is seen with a gun, they're going to shoot someone, or at least threaten to, before the end of the film or TV show. Playwriting manuals say if a gun is seen in scene one over the fireplace, it has to be used by scene two or three. No joke.
I have rarely felt so different and unacceptable.
It seems to be a question of, not whether I'll be arrested, but when. For open carrying, for practicing with my bow in my own back yard when the county imposes a 600-foot buffer, or for refusing to obey the health insurance mandate.
Used to be, minding your own business was enough to get you left alone.