Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Stand With Kirsten!

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Here's my latest on this turncoat, including links to some earlier pieces.

[Via Matthew Maynard]


Anonymous said...

What a deal she must have cut with Schumer

Kent McManigal said...

She wants to "keep illegal (sic) guns away from dangerous people".... so she wants to disarm all LEOs... sounds like an idea I could support.

Anonymous said...

We must remember Congresswoman McCarthy threatened to fight her election because she was a gun rights supporter at the time of her appointment.
McCarthy is not her friend now, never was, and never will be.
Kirsten has doomed herself because of her lack of backbone and I, for one, do not see her being elected
Paul in Texas

Anonymous said...

What would one expect from an NRA A-lister?

Mack said...

This sounds too much like a Joe Biden moment:

"Stand up, Kirsten, let 'em see you. You're A-Rated! Oh, God love you. What am I talking about? I tell you what, you're making everybody else stand up, though, girl. I tell you what, stand up for Kirsten."

David Codrea said...

Mack, I think you wanted a link like this.