Friday, January 01, 2010

New Year's Gun Rights Resolution: Practice Daily Activism

Do something.

Every day.

Start today. [More]
Here's my last resolution. I think it's the most important one.

Will you join me in keeping it--and tell a friend?

All the other resolutions:

New Year's gun rights resolution: Attend an Appleseed
New Year's gun rights resolution: Know your representatives
New Year's gun rights resolution: Write letters to the editor
New Year's gun rights resolution: Join a gun rights group
New Year's gun rights resolution: Send a politician the gun rights questionnaire
New Year's gun rights resolution: Build a guns and liberty video collection
New Year's gun rights resolution: Take a new person shooting
New Year's gun rights resolution: Read Second Amendment books

New Year's gun rights resolution: Shoot a machine gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Support legal efforts to defend 2nd Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spread the word on Gun Rights Examiner
New Year's gun rights resolution: Go to a gun show
New Year's gun rights resolution: Boycott an anti-gun company
New Year's gun rights resolution: Buy a gun
New Year's gun rights resolution: Spend time with your loved ones
New Year's gun rights resolution: Teach your children about guns
New Year's gun rights resolution: Don't spread unverified internet rumors
New Year's gun rights resolution: Get formal training
New Year's gun rights resolution: Demonstrate for the Second Amendment
New Year's gun rights resolution: Demand ATF investigations
New Year's gun rights resolution: Do all of them

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