Friday, January 08, 2010

We're the Only Ones Shocked--Shocked Enough

Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan says he's shocked by the arrest of one of his officers in a string of robberies in suburban Dakota County. [More]
Ah yes, one of "the few that fail."

I like that better than "bad apples," Chief. I might start using it to point out how isolated from the norm all these "Only Ones" stories people keep sending me are.

Thankfully, as those of you who send me multiple tips every day can attest, I only use a few of them so as not to overwhelm this site and lose focus on its main purpose. Plus I'd hate to be accused of denigrating law enforcement.

[Via Zachary G]


straightarrow said...

I suspect he is shocked that he was arrested by other law enforcement personnel. Isn't that against policy and procedure?

As near as I can tell the most prevalent cause for shock amongst LEO administration is when cops arrest a bad cop caught in criminal acts, instead of charging the citizen who eventually, in the absence of law enforcement enforcing the law against its criminal element, must take steps to stop the most egregious criminal cops. They are just SHOCKED, SHOCKED, I tell you.

Dan said...

I am surprised he was "shocked." This seems to be the norm for his officers. I work in Minneapolis, but thankfully don't live, and have talked to the locals about this. While the state troopers here have an extensive vetting process to try and hire the best, Minneapolis PD will hire pretty much anything that walks in off the street. Maybe the vetting process the state troopers use should be looked at by more agencies.

Maybe Minneapolis PD will just bill this as their new officer debt relief program.