Saturday, January 23, 2010

We're the Only Ones "Sweet Happens" Enough

"Sweet happens," a police source glibly said of the boondoggle. [More]
Ha ha. They had candy. We assaulted them and threw them in our dungeon filled with scary miscreants. For almost a week. But we're glib. About our "boondoggle."

That's because the arrogant son of a bitch who joked about it knows he and his fellow Furious Mike "Only Ones" can commit any violation on a citizen they feel like and their anonymity will be protected.

Just like we don't know the names of the incompetent thugs who kidnapped and took two citizens who committed no crime hostage. In what universe is that not an act of domestic terrorism? But these are extra special terrorists--they're part of Liberty-Lynchin' Patrick's "Lift a finger and die" squad.

Everybody understands why these goons and their political masters want to keep us disarmed, right?

[Via John H]


straightarrow said...

Right now the mixture of paranoiad fear and arrogance is what makes these cops so overbearing. It is time to replace the paranoia with genuine and realistic fear.

These abominations will not cease until they become immediately harmful to the perpetrators AND their protectors. That is the hard ugly truth. Paranoiac fear is not nearly as effective as reasonable fear. It is time to supply that reasonable fear.

For instance, in this particular case, the situation could have been cleared up immediately at the scene, but hey, the "we don't suffer any consequences no matter how much unjustified harm we do, so fuck 'em" attitude kicked in. It is time to disabuse them of that attitude.

Longbow said...

It is very simple. THEIR gang has official sanction. Get it?

straightarrow said...

I get it. So did Sheriff Plummer's gang. Get it?

sofa said...

Kidnapping, for 5 days.

Actions without consequences=God-Kings.

Longbow said...

My comments were not directed at you Straightarrow, and yes I get it...and so will those who have it coming, in this life or the next.