Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finally, Some Competent Government Workers

The guards, who are trained not to get involved in physical confrontations, stood by as the girl was beaten, kicked and robbed. [More]
I'd say they executed their training flawlessly.

And how about this, from King County Executive Dow Constantine:
"Public safety is our top priority," Constantine said.
Comedy gold!

[Via Zachary G]


Anonymous said...

They are damned if they do it and damned if they don't. They intervene and they get fired on the spot. Unarmed Security is only allowed to observe and report under penalty of Government Cheese.

Crotalus said...

"Public safety", my arse! If they're not there for this, why are they there at all?

Sean said...

They are there, like the police, to perpetrate the illusion that they are keeping things safe. People love their illusions, some of them, more than life.

jon said...

they're basically guiltless. of course, whoever lied about budgeting their jobs...

zach said...

Because we all know you have to have be trained to do the right thing, only one, pseudo only one, or regular citizen. Someone else will take care of it.

Mack said...

Well, they were unarmed. also a rule.

Paul W. Davis said...

Whatever happened to the law that stated that anyone who observed the commission of a crime and did nothing about it, was an accessory, and just as guilty as the perpetrator?

I think we ought to bring back public floggings. Flog the guards, flog the perpetrator and accomplices. Give them the maximum of 40 lashes on a bare back. Do it in front of the entire world and then tell the world that the next time allowing a crime to be committed unhindered will result in a hanging.

One hanging and there won't be another "stand around a watch" while someone is beaten and robbed.

Gaviota said...

I think we ought to bring back public floggings.

Or at least bring back the chain gangs.

Anonymous said...

All department procedures and protocols were followed.