Monday, February 01, 2010

Why Would Illinois Gun Owners Vote for Gungrabber Mark Kirk?

It's a shame the information is so hard to find and so little known, and at the risk of starting a fight, or maybe with that purpose, I put much of the blame squarely on the national and state "gun rights" organizations. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column foresees some predictable and pretty damn pathetic results.

Also take heed of a potential gain reversal in Oregon and get the latest from my fellow GREs.

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Tvarisch said...

Because people in Illinois have no sense left? I think the facts bear me out; Blogobitch, Obama, et al...

jon said...

same reason bush won. twice. The Other Guy was just terrible! i think i'm going to run as the other guy. in every race, ever. would you vote for me?

The Other Guy 2012

has a nice ring to it.

Longbow said...

Quote: Republican voters who don't give a damn about anything other than getting a new jackboot to stomp an "R" on our faces instead of a "D".

Well said David!

Ned said...

I dunno - I was at a gun show in Arizona and people were collecting money for McCain. At a GUN SHOW. They were sorry when they asked me for money.

Sounds like "Hunters for Obama" or some such nonsense. There's a real problem with who gets to vote in this country. For instance, people on welfare shouldn't be able to vote - along with citizens who have only a room temperature IQ.

I've seen the man on the street interviews by Jay Leno. They would be funny if they weren't so sad. And these people actually get to vote.

There's a lot more example on You Tube. There's lots of potential voters who are complete idiots. And gun owners aren't exempt.

Mack said...


As I discussed with you earlier:

Dem plan: Split GOP, tea party

The memo urges Democratic candidates to force their opponents to answer a series of questions on health care, taxes and some of the favorite causes of the far right:

“Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen? Do you think the 10th Amendment bars Congress from issuing regulations like minimum health care coverage standards? Do you think programs like Social Security and Medicare represent socialism and should never have been created in the first place? Do you think President Obama is a socialist? Do you think America should return to a gold standard?”

If a Republican candidate says no to any of the questions, the memo says Democrats should “make their primary opponent or conservative activists know it. This will cause them to take heat from their primary opponents and could likely provoke a flip-flop, as it already has several times with Mark Kirk in Illinois.”

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Well waddya' know? Look who's lying about his military service:

The Republican candidate for President Obama's old Senate seat has admitted to inaccurately claiming he received the U.S. Navy's Intelligence Officer of the Year award for his service during NATO's conflict with Serbia in the late 1990s.

Rep. Mark Kirk, a Navy reservist who was elected to Congress in 2001, acknowledged the error in his official biography after The Washington Post began looking into whether he had received the prestigious award, which is given by top Navy officials to a single individual annually.

How shocking that a RINO gun-grabber would be so lacking in honor and integrity, eh?