Monday, March 08, 2010

We're the Only Ones Beating the Competition Enough

Based on a complaint from someone the State Police refuse to identify, three teams of officers converged last Thursday on the three bars...[More]
Well, I certainly feel like my blessings of liberty are more secure now...and that's the whole purpose, isn't it?

Be great to find out who the rat is and publicize it...any bets it's a connected business rival?

[Via FFFW]


straightarrow said...

No bet, but I'll add this thought. Isn't it common for LEO's to own iterests in bars as an investment and/or livelihood upon retirement?

I think that is where I would look for the complainant. for the REALLY connected.

Anonymous said...

Complete waste of tax payer money to 'fund' this Jack Booted thuggery.

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing there's no outstanding criminal warrants to serve giving the State Police all that time and manpower to go after bottles of beer.