The National Guard helicopter patrols Camden frequently, during evening shifts, to assist Camden police officers in pursuing and capturing individuals who commit crimes in the city. [More]Go get 'em, Marjoe...

Notes from the Resistance...
The National Guard helicopter patrols Camden frequently, during evening shifts, to assist Camden police officers in pursuing and capturing individuals who commit crimes in the city. [More]Go get 'em, Marjoe...
Ahh. The fascist state of New Jersey.
Man, our enemies can't operate when we point lasers at them? Makes me feel a little safer.
'double plus ungood' when the prols commit the 'thought crime' of complaining about the 'ministry of love'.
Just saw a video on how to take a laser from a CD burner, and use it like a regular laser pointer. But the burner laser has some serious punch to it. Anti personnel weapon for the masses, perhaps?
National Guardsmen:
You HAVE a choice.
You can say, "No Sir!" when given an order which violates the Constitution you have sworn to protect.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but unless the pilot was on Title 10 orders, which is unlikely, this is perfectly legal. 'Federalized' NG troops, active troops, and reserves are bound by PC. NG troops on state orders being paid by the state are not. It's all about who is signing the checks. In this case, the NG probably has an arrangement with the State to provide air assests in support of local LE, acting under title 32 state orders. It's a win-win in that the NG gets training time, and the locals get air support they couldn't normally afford. I respect the hell out of this blog, but in this case, I think that you're not on the money.
"Gun control" is "perfectly legal."
militarizing of the police? how about policisizing of the military?
anybody remember NKVD, Gestapo, KGB, et al.? Didn't all those secret police orgs start as military? Why! I believe they did!
I think our founding fathers knew exactly what they were talking about when the forbade military from domestic policing.
Anon, how is it a win - win when combat troops are patrolling the skies of America? Do you mean it's a win win in that we slip ever closer to the total police State and the troops get accustomed to harassing their fellow citizens? What is wrong with you?
This is a serious question. Are we living in a vacuum?? Are we the only ones who see this happening around us?? I must admit that with the exception of those at this site (and others like it)I feel so damn alone in my outrage.
We have been treated to yet one more video of cops beating the piss out of a student in Maryland. Where is the outrage from the general population????
How long can these actions from our gub'mint go uncontested????
Newark, Ohio
The NG over our neighborhoods enforcing drug and gun laws, and the Coast Guard doing drug interdiction on coastal and internal waters. It hits me wrong. It would hit the Founders wrong.
That little Haleigh Cummings girl in Florida was probably killed by a relative over some drug deal messup. How many lives have to be lost before they change the laws? Sarah Brady says "If it saves just one life..."
Pardon me but, some here IMHO are going as overboard as the GFW's on this.
Assistance to local LEO is a legitimate use for the Guard under control of the GOVERNOR!
If those same troops are under Federal control NOPE!
Notice the magic word I used was assistance not enforcement.
Using choppers to assist the LEO on the ground strikes me as a wonderful use of STATE capabilities. Move that over to Federalized troops and not so much!
Still, I would love to see all of them be Oath Keepers!
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