Friday, May 14, 2010

Will Lautenberg Anti-Gun Airport Bill Increase Vulnerability?

Not satisfied with putting grandmothers at risk of losing their legal right to the means of self-defense, or of denying gun purchases to people who haven't even been charged, let alone tried and convicted of any crime, Sen. Frank Lautenberg now means to see us defenseless on the way to and from airports, when we go to drop off or pick someone up. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the latest assault on freedom by a committed domestic enemy.

Also find out what our foreign enemies are up to with their UN Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence.

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1 comment:

straightarrow said...

Lautenberg is a domestic terrorist. Does he not support abuses, punishments, and the killing of innocents in order to further a political agenda to garner power by those acts by placing fear induced political pressure on third parties in the hopes that they will submit to that pressure? Isn't that exactly what terrorists do?