Thursday, July 08, 2010

Al Sharpton shows unreasonableness of anti-gun zealotry

[I]t's tough to see how much more "reasonable" the hoplophobes want gun legislation to be. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the hysteria that results from a slight loosening of the cuffs.

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1 comment:

Defender said...

Maybe Al Sharptongue supports warrantless searches like in the above link about Oakland? But he came out against causeless traffic stops, didn't he? Most victims of the building department and fire inspector searches are urban blacks, just as most victims of violence are urban blacks. But extending his illogic to the next illogical level, glass houses would be great: no contraband. Except no rights either. He can't have it both ways. Once you've crested the waterfall, there's no use in backpaddling.