Wednesday, October 06, 2010

A Criminal for Gun Control Objects

by Joe Illuzzi 5 hours ago

Your problem is you are quoting far left wing publications, most out of business. Very little of what is reported in these publications is true, just libel. Yes I was involved in a bank job 40 years ago & put on probation. Yes secutirty fraud 20 years ago. So what. I offered my record to the Times. The counters that you site are as fraudulent as your colum. Next time give me a call. PoliticsNY.Net [More]
If you would like to tell a convicted getaway driver in a bank robbery that used terrorist threats why you disagree with his position that civilians should not own firearms, please feel free.


Crotalus said...

Of course he objects. But if a criminal past can disqualify him from guns for life, then it must still count for something. After all, the government says so.

Besides, I think he's still operating from the position that crooks don't want to have to risk attacking armed victims.

All in all, The boy doth protest too much, methinks.

Bruce W. Krafft said...

What bothers me is that he can't even spell cite correctly.

Pat H. said...

We know this guy is a thug because he advocates policies that would deny an intrinsic right to be armed.

That's the way of all felons, some are convicted felons, some have yet to be brought to justice.

He's a two time loser who apparently is looking for his third strike.

May he find it at the pointy end of an armed citizen.