Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Obama agency busts plan to sell rifles to Americans

Bob Unruh at WorldNetDaily adds further details to yesterday's GRE.

Click here to read his report.

Please forward the link far and wide. Showing them this type of reporting generates readership, interest, letters, etc. certainly can't hurt in terms of encouraging them that honest reporting of topics avoided by the "mainstream" is appreciated.


zach said...

So is this a done deal or a set back? Will Korea sit on or destroy them?

David Codrea said...

I don't know. Join us in asking to find out?

Start with your Senators--did they sign the letter mentioned? If not, why not?

Write a letter to your local paper telling them what is happening--or ask them to do their own investigation and send them links to my piece and the WND story.

Become a force multiplier--this stuff does no one any good if it's just consumed and that's it. It's why I plead with the regulars here to share the links.

Please help, and please share it if your efforts yield results.

Defender said...

19th-century firearms technology.
Too lethal for us, the idiot children of Uncle Sam, to be trusted with.
Guns of the kind that, in the hands of sons of the American gun culture, took out Nazi and Imperial Japanese fascists.
Well, no wonder.

"Captain Obama, lookouts report icebergs in the area."
"Full speed ahead! Yes we can."

Defender said...

Meanwhile, the Democratic Socialists of America at work. Henry "If they're going to use guns to defend their rights, I'm not comfortable with their having guns at all" Waxman and Barbara Boxer greased the rails for an aid mission to the enemy in the Middle East.