Monday, November 01, 2010

But of Course

In Wake Of Cargo Plane Scare, Privacy May Be Shelved A Bit [More]
Of course.
A majority of the travelers...said they’re willing to subject themselves to the TSA’s new pat-down procedure...



Sean said...

In the coming shit-storm, I have a special treat for the employees of TSA.

Defender said...


Saudi Arabia (home of oneof the bombmakers and the "Magnificent 19" 9/11 hijackers) and the United Arab Emirates officially recognize the historic-Buddha-blasting, homosexual-hanging, rape-victim-executing Taliban as a legitimate Islamic government. So does Pakistan. Yemen? Don't know, but that's the way to bet.
Apparently the American conservative is scarier than all those. If the Islamists can get our own government to take our freedom, they've accomplished a lot more than actually killing a planeload of people.
Our government's retaliation? Selling the Saudis $60 billion worth of F-15s.

Crotalus said...

Done flying.

Defender said...

On the privacy front, police plan massive DNA canvassing to catch a serial rapist in Virginia. They don't have a match for HIS DNA in the felon database, but they might get lucky and get a sample from someone RELATED to him (familial DNA) and ID him through that.
All your bodily fluids are belong to us, too.,0,5331200.story