Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Violent leftists agree with SPLC and 'Waco Jim' on threat from the armed right

Just in case you were wondering who agrees with the SPLC’s and Waco Jim’s concerns about you being an armed conservative or libertarian… and about the type of company the fascist opposition keeps. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at--when you stop and think about it--some natural allies.

It's the third part in a series. In case you missed the first two, click here and here.

Can I count on you site regulars to help me spread the word by sharing the link?

1 comment:

Defender said...

Fans of Charles Manson. And what political symbol did Manson carve into his own forehead? A swastika. Symbol of the National Socialist Party of Germany, Nazi for short. A long-haired skinhead.
The political spectrum is a ring, with socialist Left and fascist Right occupying the same space on the far side from freedom.
We've seen all this before. Or, our grandfathers did. Almost an entire generation of violence-eschewing Europeans destroyed. We are forewarned, and therefore forearmed.