Friday, April 22, 2011

Offending Colin

"It offends me that people who have never faced a gunman in the confined space of a classroom would think that it makes sense to allow loaded guns on campus, and even through rights of way," Goddard said, after the guns on campus buildings portion of the bill was stripped. "Gov. Brewer apparently understood the dangers of allowing guns to be transported through school and college zones, and I applaud her for rejecting this legislation that needlessly put lives at risk. Given the tragedy of Tucson, it's heartening to see elected officials stand up to the gun lobby and wake up to what needs to be done to protect the public from gun violence." [More]
Let us work harder to offend this...this thing.


Mack said...

"It offends me ..."

Note how the progressive-minded are quick to say how "offended" they are in order to put you on the defensive.

It's used quite often in the War on Christians. Thus, "Easter Eggs" becomes "Spring Spheres[sic]" -- you get the idea.

It happens to Americans who choose to open-carry. Your handgun "offends me" -- what, indecent exposure?

Face it, it's a weapon.

Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

What about the people who DID face the gunman at VTech that day, "Mr." Goddard? I'll bet right then that most of them were desperately wishing for a gun of their own right then, but they were disarmed by the same damned laws that you continue to espouse now. I'll also wager that those dead would offend you for having the aforementioned sentiments.

YOU OFFEND ME. "SIR"! My wish for you is unprintable on this blog!

Anonymous said...

This jerkwad was a helpless disarmed victim and thinks this would be a good thing for students. What a turd.

Sean said...

Since he is a yellow bellied, low-down-snake-in-the-grass, pussy, he can't be offended. You have to have a spine,too, and be a grown man or woman. All he is, is a lump of shit with a mouth, an ass, and not much in the way of guts in between. So f*ck him.

zach said...

Sick Bastard

skybill said...

Right on Crotalus! Guns are kinda like parachutes. Reminds me of the big sign that was just inside the door of the old Paraloft at the old Los Alamitos NAS near Long Beach, CA some many years ago. It said simply,"If you ever need 'ONE,' and don't have 'ONE,' then you'll never need 'ONE' again!!!!"


Pat H. said...

We already know what that little coward is, it's Jan Brewer that has to be brought to a new revelation.

Old Dog said...

Of course this jackwagon fails to mention that Gov. Brewer vetoed this bill because Democrat amendments had changed so badly that is was a Court Case waiting to happen.

The original bill would have allowed carry EVERYWHERE on campus! The dems got it to read on "Transit Ways". Of course they failed to define a "Transit Way" which to no ones surprise is also not defined anywhere else in AZ law!

They had set the bill up to be beaten in court! So Gov Jan killed it!

BTW, would some one point out to me in the Constitution where the right not to be Offended is enshrined!

Reg T said...

I returned to college in my early fifties to become a registered nurse. In Oregon (at that time, at least) a CCW holder could legally carry on campus. Of course, the school would have expelled me from the program if they knew, but I carried every day in the classroom and all over campus for three years.

No one was endangered. My pistol never leapt out of my fanny pack to attack someone. It was never displayed or was the cause of any fear, danger or consternation.

This guy is a fool, a coward, and a liar. The cries about the blood that would be shed if carrying a firearm is permitted have proven false every time they have been spoken. My experience is living proof of his idiocy.

NY_Mike said...

Brewer also said the bill was "poorly" written. Ok. So why did she add to her press conference that OH I'M SO SHOCKED face and comment that the bill "would allow guns to be carried in Kindergartens? And she would never allow that." SHOCK SHOCK...That gratuitous remark belied her true feelings. She has no idea what the 2A is about. Another RINO.

Anonymous said...

I'm a 60 year resident of AZ and have known about and of Jan Brewer since she was in the Legislature. She did the right thing vetoing this bill. she is a strong 2nd Amendment and strong borders advocate. We'll have the next session of the Legislature to get this bill RIGHT so that students, professors and others can legally carry on all of the campus'. That way we won't have a repeat of the shooting like we had in the UofA College of Nursing in the past.

Chas said...

What is offensive is Colin Goddard's holier-than-thou attitude.
No one is allowed to have an opinion that differs from his because he has a special experience that makes only his opinion valid? I don't think so.
Colin Goddard was a failure. He had the opportunity to protect himself at VT, but he couldn't because he wasn't armed, so Cho used Goddard for the defenseless fool that he was and shot him four times. Now Goddard wants to spread that same, sad, disarmament misery to the rest of the country.
Misery loves company, but keep your own brand of stupid to yourself, failure boy! Allowing himself to be shot was absurd on Goddard’s part, but with his newfound, anti-gun politics he undoubtedly still walks around unarmed. So, what if the same thing happens to him 3 or 4 more times, and he keeps getting shot on various occasions and “surviving“? Maybe after the 4th time he just might start carrying a gun - that is, when failure boy gets tired of being a laughingstock.
Goddard has learned nothing from his experience. With the consequences of his self-imposed defenselessness just waiting to play out again, he’s already a laughingstock - he just hasn’t “survived” often enough yet for it to be obvious to everyone.

Anonymous said...

I DO NOT obey "Laws" that can/will get ME killed.The most important thing is to be armed.You can also use un-armed cowards as meat-shields and bullet-sponges That IS there only value.

Anonymous said...

I am offended by goddard and anyone like him that wants to enable criminals to be able to freely slaughter the innocent.

CarlS said...

Goddard survived being shot multiple times. Welcome to the world of soldiers, police, and those who comprehend how dangerous the real world is. However, given the typical response in mass shootings, be they at Luby's, shopping malls, or centers of "higher" learnig, I would venture to guess that the experience, if any, was to cower and wait to be shot. "Facing gunmen", indeed. Yet these people wish to force the rest of us into the same situation.

Cormac said...

If you visit The Smallest Minority ( you will see this quote among others at the top of the page

"Liberty is an inherently offensive lifestyle. Living in a free society guarantees that each one of us will see our most cherished principles and beliefs questioned and in some cases mocked. That psychic discomfort is the price we pay for basic civic peace. It's worth it. It's a pragmatic principle. Defend everyone else's rights, because if you don't there is no one to defend yours. - MaxedOutMama"

This poor, traumatized little man should take pride in and thank God that he lives is such a land. Freedom from being offended? No.
We enjoy the freedom to be offended and to offend in return.

I try (and often fail) to keep this in mind when I hear this kind of mindless pap.

Chas said...

It offends me that a dangerously ignorant fool who faced a gunman in the confined space of a classroom would think that it makes sense to disarm everyone else on campus, so that they can face the same deadly situation with no more ability to do anything about it than he did.
Colin Goddard should keep his death wish to himself, and not try to force it onto others against their will.
The man has a rapist mentality that anyone should find offensive. He's sick, and he needs help.