Thursday, June 16, 2011

Patrol Rifles

Words have meaning and power, and can be used especially insidiously when the intent is to prompt opinions from people who don’t even know they’re being manipulated—and that can include naive journalists. [More]
Or ones who damn well know better.

My latest Guns Magazine "Rights Watch" column is up.

As is the complete digital edition.


Anonymous said...

We proles just have sport utility rifles...

W W Woodward said...

I had a rather unpopular debate with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education (TCLEOSE) a few years ago as to the non-difference between "sniper" rifles and "precision" rifles. I recommended that they call duck a duck and was met with the typical PC response that the LEO experts preferred to call the firearms in question "precision" rifles.


Ed said...

What value is there in a "non-precision" rifle?