Friday, March 29, 2013

Biden's "Legitimate Media"

Seems they can't be bothered with the facts.

From Connecticut Carry, via email:
Connecticut Post, 

I am very disappointed that a member of your staff made the decision to 'opt out' of our press releases.

I suppose it is easier to ignore the civil rights groups in Connecticut that are actually distributing factual information than it is to recognize that biased reporting, fear mongering and anti-rights witchhunts are immoral and wrong.

When your headlines include things about 'secret arsenals' when that is not backed by any kind of fact, we are dealing with a problem in journalism. Our press release actually counted the ammunition and gave an actual analysis of the ammunition on hand. Something your article fails to do.

Please be aware that we will be posting this flagrant boycott of the truth to our members and to the public so that they may make up their minds about you for themselves. Gun owners have no more reason to read your publications if you are unable to listen to both sides of the debate.

For your information, this is the release that your 'newsroom' unsubscribed from after receiving:

All of our news releases are available here:

If you would like to discuss something offensive or factually incorrect, we would be happy to do so. Otherwise, this is a sad way to deal with issues in this state on your part.

Rich Burgess
Connecticut Carry, Inc

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