Monday, April 01, 2013

Not an Inch

It troubles me that they are discussing “improved” background checks as a cure for anything, much less crime.  We have made it clear from the outset.  No new gun laws.  Not a single one, and it’s high time for the Senators to hear the message. [More]
The Captain's Journal points out some flawed thinking.

1 comment:

Bluesgal said...

being barraged by commercials from Mayor against Guns... which say that Universale background checks "protect" my 2A rights!

From what? Even more restrictions? They'd have you beleive that background checks will make you safer...

They are spending a small fortune (OK a small part of Bloomie's fortune), there is one on EVERY commercial break at all times of the day.

Still trying to figure out how restricting my rights protects them?