Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Laws discriminate against sex as well as age in Illinois FOID case

Females are clearly being discriminated against by federal law, as they are excluded from recognition as members of the unorganized militia on the basis of sex. That such a law would withstand challenge is doubtful without a redefinition of militia composition to recognize the realities of the role women are capable of and entitled to. That this law has been allowed to stand as written for so long, and that no bill has been introduced to recognize discriminatory exclusions that can be used to deny standing to women, is a discussion Gun Rights Examiner hopes to start with this column. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report starts a national dialogue on the composition of the "unorganized militia" that needs to end with a revision to U.S. Code.  Which politician will have the guts to introduce a bill, and how will those who oppose it justify such blatant, gender-based discrimination?

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