Friday, September 06, 2013

But for a Moment Let’s Enter the Wingnut World

OK, but just for a moment.  Any more than that will make my head spin. This loopy broad sounds like she actually believes her own line of manipulated statistics BS.  [More]

A few incidents within a smaller population will yield a higher RATE than many incidents within a larger population. And we can further break things down in terms of neighborhoods and demographics and pesky things like legality and...

But if we're going to stick with homicide rates, and if the problem really is the guns, I wonder what we'd find if we sampled what is arguably the most heavily-armed civilian population on the planet...

That Mary Sanchez looks about like a humorless ogress, doesn't she?  I can just picture her in a Mao suit, with that red star fatigue cap he wore...

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