Friday, November 22, 2013

Reese Family Update

Defense Team Defends Judge Brack’s Order [More]
Luna Tea Party Patriots continues doing an outstanding job, not only in reporting when nobody (well, almost nobody) else will, but also in providing detailed, insightful and intelligent analysis.

You really ought to familiarize yourself with the details of this story and apprise others, because the fact is, any one of us could find ourselves on the wrong end of a prosecution where we are alone and deprived of resources against the leviathan state -- only to find out most gun owners and self-styled "liberty activists" don't give a damn.

Consuming information and making occasional comments does not make one an activist.

Sadly, I know every time I write about something like this I can practically guarantee the readership will plummet. There are reasons for that I believe are self-evident--dry legal details, too much information for a casual read, there's something more entertaining to focus on... That said, the people who ignore stories like this may someday find themselves in need of help, where only a couple faint voices who care are calling attention to their plight, and they come to realize that aside from that they're on their own, because understanding their ordeal has too many dry legal details, there's too much information for a casual read, there are plenty of things more entertaining to focus on.

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