Thursday, July 24, 2014

Indignant Brock Lickspittle Stamps Feet, Lies, Demands Action on .50 Caliber Rifles

Assume the position.
Kurt's latest JPFO Alert brings us the latest comedy gold from Media Doesn't Matter. [More]

And their opinions should be so important to us. Especially to me.

After all, these are Eric Holder's fluffers, headed by a "viciously mean" paranoid and elitist anti-gun "gun criminal" employer who is notoriously abusive to those who work under him.

Which indicates anti-gun male Timothy Johnson gets some sort of sick fulfillment from the dominant/submissive relationship.

Thank you sir, may I have another?

I recommend reading Kurt's piece, sharing the link, and doing what you can to support JPFO. After pointing and laughing at Media Matters hissy-fitters.

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